Govt accuse sober house centers of promoting drug use

According to her, a few private registered sober centres in the country were not serious on helping the affected youths
By Emmanuel Onyango
THE government has accused owners of private sober centres located in the country of promoting drug use, the parliament was told today.
The Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office responsible for Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Labour, Employment, Youth and Disabled Jenista Mhagama said such centers need to abide by the countries laws.
“Various sober houses in the country are promoting the use of drug instead of enlightening them on the effects on their health,” she said.
The minister said the government was taking serious initiatives to help illicit drug addicts with chronic mindset to change in government sober house instead of private ones.
According to her, a few private registered sober centres in the country were not serious on helping the affected youths.
The minister was responding to a question raised to her by Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) legislator Halima Bulembo who wanted to know steps taken by the government in curbing private sober centres from promoting drug use to addicts.

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