Russia ready to attack

The emergence of a chemical attack in East Guta is changing the position of the military against the US missile attack or intervention.
The Russian missile defense S-400 system in Syria was activated. The MIG-31, a two-engine high-altitude prevention aircraft, is also patrolling for 24 hours. It is noted that the Assad regime does not forget the 20 critical regions and the base in the range of the US bifurcations.
Russian troops did not exist in the bases. It is stated that the US may target the regions where Russian troops are located. All bases with Russian alarm are red alarmed. It is proposed to open fire against ships and aircraft against a possible US intervention and the other side.
It is estimated that the US might shoot from the vessels belonging to military adresses in Assad. The question that the US wants to respond to both Russia and Iran with this move attracts attention.

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